This is a trip report for the Rock Your Disney Side 24 Hour Event in May of 2014. We over slept that morning and got up at 6:30, a half an hour after the park opened, got to the park by 7:15 and rode Seven Dwarfs Mine Train which was having a soft opening. Then we heard Pinocchio was out on Main Street so we went to meet him.

Now this was about the time I wanted get on line for Stromboli thinking he was going to be the longest line of the night but my brother and Mom convinced me to wait until later. So we went to meet Mickey but he wasn't talking.

Then it was time for the Hero's Move it Shake it Celebrate it Street Party. The characters featured on the top of the boxes were Peter Pan, Mrs. Incredible, Buzz Lightyear, and Hercules.

Then it was time for my first ever viewing of the Festival of Fantasy parade.

Then it was time for the Villain's Move it Shake it Celebrate it Street Party. The characters featured on the top of the boxes were Captain Hook, the Queen of Hearts , Cruella de Vil, and Dr. Faciler.

Then it was time for Lunch with our 100 archer wood friends at the Crystal Palace. This is an every day occurrence and nothing was special for the 24 hour day.

After that, we went back to the room to rest and by the time we got back it was time for the Villains pre-parade. My mom went to the Stromboli line I was sure he would be the longest line. Me and my brother watched the cavalcade.

Next we got over to Stromboli, no line had formed except us. But we were not sure exactly where he would be meeting so incase we couldn't find the location two friendly cast members gave us a pass to cut the line when he came out. So our friend stayed there and we went to scope out the other lines. There was no line in tommorowland for Bowler Hat Guy or for Lotso and Big Bad Wolf but then we see the Hercules characters line and people had been lining up since 8:00 pm!! So we will have to use that Stromboli pass! We put our Mom on the Hercules gang line and we run to get on the Bowler Hat Guy's line, we were first. Then at 1:45 mayhem ensued. We met Bowler Hat Guy first.

So then we go to use our Stromboli pass and the line has grown not as big as Hercules gang but long and we go up to the front with our pass and show it to the lady. She then says this is for rides only but then we pointed out to her that it said STOMBOLI in all caps to which she replied it would be unfair to let us cut the line, but she said meet her by the Pinocchio bathrooms in 13 minutes. We waited and about 13 minutes later we saw Stromboli come from the carousel and walked backstage. The cast member told us to wait just another minuet. After just a few seconds Stromboli came back out gave us a quick photo session.

Then we checked on our mom in the Hades line but she was still very far back. Then we went to main street and saw Big Bad Wolf and Lotso.

We were going to meet some other villains but we were told that no one was meeting Pain and Panic. Supposedly, they were letting people go to meet them but it was not true so Pain and Panic went in and Hades and Megara came out. The line moved and that happened a couple of times before we were up. Hades and Megara went in and Pain and Panic came out and the line threw a riot so they were trying to find someone to meet Pain and Panic so we left our mom in her place and we met them and guess what? Megara came out as we were meeting them so that's an extra bonus.

No one was meeting them after Megara went in so we met them again.

After they went in a high up executive looking man came out brought all the cast members together and whispered something to them and they all looked scared for their lives and we said as they came back over , "you are not telling us that after four hours of waiting you are going to say, 'oh sorry Hades went back to the underworld.'" Then to our relief they said it was a completely different matter and we met Hades and Megera.

Then saw the goodbye show which featured the Mickey friends in their pajamas.

#RockYourDisneySide #24HourEvent #TripReport #SevenDwarfsMineTrain #SoftOpening #Pinocchio #MainStreet #MagicKingdom #TownSquareTheater #MickeyMouse #ArticulatedHead #Talking #MoveitShakeitCelebrateitStreetParty #MISICISP #Heroes #PeterPan #MrsIncredible #BuzzLightyear #Hercules #FestivalofFantasy #Parade #DayTimeParade #Villains #CaptainHook #QueenofHearts #CruelladeVil #DrFaciler #CrystalPalace #WinniethePooh #Tigger #Piglet #Eeyore #Preparade #SheriffofNottingham #OogieBoogie #Frollo #Anastasia #drizella #BowlerHatGuy #Stromboli #Lotso #BigBadWolf #Pain #Panic #Megera #Hades #LongLines #Pajamas #Daisy #Donald #Minnie #Chip #Dale #Goofy #Pluto #Tommorowland #Frontierland #Fantasyland #TrainStation #KingLouie